Follett eBooks & Audiobooks
Our Follett collection provides access to popular fiction and nonfiction eBooks and Digital Audiobooks, including a number of suggested books and authors from the NAMS Summer Reading Lists.
Two ways to access our collection of Follett eBooks and Digital Audiobooks:
- Go to the Library Catalog. Under the search bar, go to the Narrow Your Search to pull down menu. Narrow by material type. Choose eBooks from the pull down menu. Enter.
- Go to Destiny Discover and follow the steps to sign into your school to see a curated list of eBooks and Digital Audiobooks.
- You may choose to open and read an eBook online via your browser (requires an Internet connection) or download an eBook to another electronic device to read offline.
- If you choose to read eBooks or play audiobooks online, make sure to use wifi so as not to use up your data plan!
- You must be logged into your student library account with your Google Apps username (without the @northandoverpublicschools part) and password in order to check out and download an eBook or Digital Audiobook to read offline.
- You may choose to open and read an eBook online via your browser (requires an Internet connection) or download an eBook to another electronic device to read offline.
To Download an eBook or Digital Audiobook Using the New Destiny Discover App:
Note: Offline reading is available for iOS, Android and Chromebook devices as well as Mac and Windows laptops. You do not need an Internet connection to read a downloaded eBook or listen to a digital audiobook.
- Download the Destiny Discover App from the App Store or Google Play
- Sign in
- Under “Let’s Find Your School”
- School Name: Type in North Andover Middle School
- Choose North Andover Middle School, North Andover, MA
- Choose “That’s My School”
- Click Continue
- Log in using your Google Apps Username and Password ( you do not need to type in the @northandoverpublicschools part)
- Search for an eBook or Digital Audiobook
- Click on “Library” at the bottom left
- Click on tabs at the top to switch between eBooks and Audiobooks and to see what is available
- Click on the Search button at the bottom to search for a specific title
- Click on Read button to read the book in “online” mode
- Click on check out and then go to downloads (bottom right) to download and read or listen to the book offline.
For more detailed instructions, go to Follett’s Quick Reference Guide
To see how to use the app, visit:
Up to two eBooks / Digital Audiobooks can be checked out at a time and will automatically return after 2 weeks.
If you have any questions about getting started, please stop by the library. I would be more than happy to help you! ~Mrs. Reusch