Online Databases
Password Required
Ask Mrs. Reusch or your teacher for the User Name and Password to access the following databases from home.
- Scholastic GO!
- Explora - Secondary Schools
- Explora - Primary Schools
- ScienceFlix
- Science Reference Center
- Country Reports
- History Reference Center
- Biography Reference Center
- Literary Reference Center
- NoveList K-8 Plus
- NoveList Plus
- EBSCO Host
Scholastic GO!
Explora - Secondary Schools
Explora - Primary Schools
Science Reference Center
Country Reports
History Reference Center
Biography Reference Center
Literary Reference Center
NoveList K-8 Plus
NoveList Plus
No Password Required
Access to the following databases is funded jointly by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) and the Massachusetts Library System with state funding and federal support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the MBLC.
You DO NOT need a Username or Password to access these databases but may need to type in the 14-digit number found on the back of your Stevens Memorial Library card to access from home.
- Britannica School
- Gale in Context: Middle School
- Gale in Context: Elementary (formerly Kids InfoBits)
- Science in Context
- Gale Science Interactive
- Biography in Context
- Opposing Viewpoints
- U. S. History in Context
- World History in Context
- The New York Times
- Gale Power Search
- All MA Databases